dozen red roses

Today is my 23rd birthday. I woke up to a wonderful surprise and received one of the best cards ever. Along with this card was a dozen roses.

My One And Only

“My one-and-only”
is an old-fashioned phrase
that people used to use
in old songs and movies.

But it perfectly describes
the treasure that dropped
into my life
the day I met you.

Since then,
our love has grown
deeper and stronger,
into a trusting bond.

Sure, we have challenges
like any couple,
but we work
through them together.

And although life may not be perfect,
the love I feel for you is.

So on your birthday,
I say with all my heart
that you’ve made me
unspeakably happy.

And althought it might sound
old-fashioned to say-\
you are
and always will be
“my one-and-only”.

Written by Emily Larkin

Even thought we’re not going out partying, I still hope you have an Amazing Day!

Love Emma.

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